Products / Cheese Processıng Lines Kashkaval/Mozzarella Processing

  1. Shredded/Grated Mozzarella Filling Line

  2. Process Tank

  3. Curd Filtering Drum

  4. Curd Draining Vat

  5. Curd Chopper

  6. Cheddaring Vat

  7. Stretching Machine

  8. Steam Cooker (Vertical)

  9. Dry Cooker (Horizental)

  10. Curd Transfer Machine

  11. Forming And Weighing

  12. Mozzarella Ball Forming

  13. Kashkaval Moulds

  14. Cheese Carrying Trolleys

  15. Mould Washing Unit

Mozzarella Cheese is part of the Pasta Filata (meaning spun or pulled curd) family of Italian cheeses. It is a soft, unripened, fresh cheese that has been produced in Southern Italy since ancient Roman times. It is a cooked, kneaded cheese and is ideally made by traditional methods. Mozzarella cheese is an extremely popular cheese suitable for use in a variety of products and is commonly used in Italian dishes and melted on pizzas. The textural properties of melted mozzarella are key to its sensory appeal. The colour of mozzarella cheese is generally pale yellow. Mozzarella has a mild flavour due to its lack of ageing.
Cheddar cheese is the most widely purchased and eaten cheese in the world. It was originally made in England, though today it is manufactured in many countries all over the world. Fully cured Cheddar is a hard, natural cheese. Nonnally, the color of Cheddar ranges from white to pale yellow though some have added color, giving the cheese a yellow-orange hue. Cheddar is traditionaJly made from cow's milk and has a slightly crumbly texture if properly cured. If the cheese is too young, the texture is smooth. Cheddar gets a sharper taste the longer il matures.
It is generally matured between 9 and 24 months.
The flavour of cheddar cheese can range from mild to sharp depending on the duration of aging. Accelerating the ripening process using exogenous enzymes can reduce the ageing period. The manufacturing technology has been modified at NORI for using buffaJo milk in making Cheddar cheese.
Cheddar cheese is used as an ingredient to add zesty flavour, nutritional vaJue and colour to foods. It may be used in its native form or further processed by spray drying or heating for improved functionality and shelf life. Cheddar cheese is very high in protein and is source of calcium, phosphorous, riboflavin, niacin and vitamins A, B 12. D and E.