Products / Cheese Processıng Lines / Camembert / Brie Processing CM250 Vat Lifting And Discharging Platform

After the removal of whey during the first phase of syneresis by CM250 Filtered Whey Draining Pump Unit; total curd quantity inside the vat is decreased.

Concentrated curd insinde CM250 Camambert Coagulations Vats is completely poured by CM250 Pneumatic Vat Lifting & Discharging Unit.

CM250 Pneumatic Lifting Unit is specially designed for working with CM250 Coagulation Vats. It s fully made of AISI304 Stainless Steel as product will be on direct contact with the surfaces while being poured. CM250 Vats are moved near CM250 Lifters and fixed between the pneumatic lifting hands. The lock system keeps CM250 Vat and lifts by the help of pneumatic pistons. Once the required height is achieved; CM250 Vat is turned and all the curd inside is discharged by flowing through CM250 Perforated Mould Filling Vat.