Products / Cheese Processıng Lines / Camembert / Brie Processing CM250 Perforated Multi-Mould Filling Vat
The curd discharged from CM250 Vats flow through the stainless steel surface and drops into Camambert Moulds which are placed over CM250 Perforated Mould Filling Vat.
Moulds are filled regularly while excess whey is draining out from the moulds, flowing through the perforated vat surface and being collected inside the vessel under the vat. Perforated Moulding Vat and Pneumatic Lifting&Discharging units are integrated to each other and height of each unit has to be considered during design.
CM250 Perforated Mould Filling Vat is fully made of AISI304 stainless steel and supported with 4 legs. Length of the edges can be customised per the size of Camambert Multi-Moulds used for moulding.