Products / Cheese Processıng Lines / Camembert / Brie Processing CM250 Curd Breaking Unit

After achieving the desired acidity; coagulations is completed and the curd is cutten into small sized regular curd pieces by GÜLER CM250 Curd Breaking Units.

GÜLER CM250 Curd Breaking Units are designed for working together with GÜLER CM250 Coagulation Vats. The distance between the cutting wires is quite important for gaining regular size curd particles and achieving a good production yield at final. Too large curd particle size will result with unsufficient syneresis during pressing and turning, which will end with a product of high moisture content.

With the beefbacks from our clients who are handy experts/engineers of Camambert processing; GÜLER comes up with the best proper solution for your Camambert Line.


  1. camambert curd cuttıng unıt