Products / Cheese Processıng Lines / Camembert / Brie Processing CM250 Camembert Coagulation Vat

GÜLER CM250 Coagulation Vats are the small size units of 250 Lt/Batch, where the Camembert milk is inoculated with approprate bacterial culture on enzymes and where the formed curd is cut into small curd pieces of regular size.

Inoculation/Coagulation and Curd Breaking processes can also be completed in a large size Cheese Process Tank. But the requirement of pumping the curd after cutting from Process Tank to filling unit could result with textural defects on the cheese. Per the feedbacks we received from our clients processing Camembert Cheese; we started a R&D period and designed a new model Turn-Key solution for Camambert Processing.

These is no further need of using curd pump after breaking the curd inside GÜLER CM250 Camembert Coagulation Vats. As this provides the curd a more relaxing process and not tiring the enzymez/bacterias inside the milk; the final product quality will be increased as well.