Products / Ayran Processing Line Ayran Filling Machine

Operating Instructions : Our Machine wich is related to the motor and the gear reducer, acts with the help of mechanical gear.The machine roll the rotating platform and in the next workstation drops the bowl. When the photocell recognize the bowl, the filling of ONE bowls starts and the machine fills the bowls weight in grams due to our customers demand.İf there is more product to fill the machine covers the bowl with the help of the heat and with a cartridge system put the date on the cover, and lays the finished product to the conveyor.

P.S :Pneumatic parts of the machine consist of UNUVEr From İtaly, Mındmann , Electrical Systems of the machine consist of From Germany ALLAN BRADLY, SHCHINDER , AUTONICSH , KLEMSAN , PEPPERL FUCS-H , SICK ..