Products / Cheese Processıng Lines Analog/Processed Cheese
Please contact our partner company MİLKOSAN ( for your inquiries on Analog/Process Cheese Processing Lines :
Processed Cheese
The production of Processed Cheese started in Europe, and could date to the mid-1890s. Natural cheeses have limited shelf-life and, depending on many factors (level of moisture content, sanitary conditions during the manufacturing stages and storage conditions
of the product), this can range from a few weeks to a couple of years. It is possible to suggest that the idea of processed cheese originated from a desire to extend the shelf-life of natural cheese or to develop a new type of cheese which was milder in taste or more stable.
Around the same period, commercial developments were made in Germany for the export of short shelf-life soft cheese; mainly Camembert-Brie, which was achieved by heating the cheeses in metal cans. Similar processing methods were also developed for
Dutch cheeses, but the process was most successful in Switzerland by using sodium citrate
Essential steps in the manufacture of processed cheese is melting and heating blends of natural cheeses (different types, varying degree of maturity, i.e. fresh/young or matured, and cheese ‘re-work’), the addition of emulsifying salts, agitation to produce a homogeneous mixture, followed by packaging and cooling or vice versa.
The application of heat (i.e. indirect or direct steam injection) inactivates the starter culture organisms and other bacteria, including the enzymes present in natural cheeses, and produces a product with extended shelf-life. Although the casein in natural cheeses possesses certain emulsifying characteristics, the stability of processed cheese could not be achieved without the use of emulsifying salts, such as citrates and phosphates.
Analog (İmitation) Cheese
Analog Cheeses can be considered as Imıtations of Processes Cheese and are widely produced, and are made from mixtures of dairy and/or non-dairy proteins and dairy fat or vegetable oil. These products are variously labelled as ‘analogues’, ‘analogs’ imitation’, substitute’ or similar terms.